Schools & Colleges

Schools & Colleges

From Shakespeare text work and play-in-a-day sessions, to curriculum workshops and employability & confidence projects – we have a range of active, fun and informative opportunities for schools, pupils and teachers.

We are always looking to develop new and exciting projects and are very happy to work with you to create something tailored to your needs.


“I learnt about trying to project your voice and I became more confident with speaking out and I thank them for the experience!”

“I really liked it because it made me do things I’ve never done before, for example putting my hand up more and I really want to do it again.”

“I found it fun working with people I normally don’t work with.  I found this very intriguing.  I had loads of fun listening to other people’s plays.

“It made me happier to make more friends from the other class and I enjoyed playing the games.  We got to know more people and I really, really want to do it again because it was fun.”

Examples of what we can offer….

Theatre Tours:

Take a trip around the Marina Theatre, explore backstage and get an actor’s eye view of our 775 seat auditorium.   Our theatre tours are a great introduction to the world of theatre and performance, whether you’re starting a drama project or exploring careers in the creative arts.


Work Experience:

We offer a limited number of work experience placements each year.  We aim to provide students with a chance to explore as many different areas of a working theatre as possible.  A placement with us will include working with our marketing, front of house, box office and café teams, as well as working within our outreach and community team and exploring backstage and technical theatre work.


Industry Days:

Our Industry days are for secondary school students to gain a practical, hands-on insight into the creative industry.  Working with our professional staff team, students will explore marketing, technical theatre, customer service and creative learning over the course of the day.