Can you identify our panto stars from their childhood pictures?

- By marina.admin
- 8th December 2017 5:37 PM
We all remember some of our early childhood photos - from school or even from the family archive!
And while some may be embarrassing, others will be up on the mantelpiece for a lifetime!
We’re always thinking of new and exciting competition ideas at the Marina - and this is one of our best yet.
Just for fun, and ahead of this year's pantomime at the Marina, we have collated some photos of our pantomime cast from their childhood - and some of them are (what’s the word we’re looking for here) amazing, cute, embarrassing - you can make your own mind up!
All you need to do is match up the photographs with the panto star and share with all your friends!
The picture below shows our panto stars now, from left to right (top) Aaron Spendelow, Darren Clewlow-Smith, Mia Richards, (bottom) Terry Gleed, Mark Read, Fenton Gray!
Simply match the black and white picture with the colour photo at the top!
And make sure you book your tickets to see Aladdin, starring Ann Widdecombe and Mark Read, by calling the box office on 01502 533200 or by clicking HERE.
The answers will be posted on our Facebook page towards the end of our panto run!