Aladdin pantomime competitions launched at the Marina!

- By marina.admin
- 1st December 2017 1:13 PM
He’s back at the Marina for a third year.
And once again, popular funny man Terry Gleed is running his selfie competition - where you could be in with a chance of winning a family ticket for next year's show!
To tie in with this year’s sparkling family pantomime at the Marina, Terry (aka Wishee-Washee) will be around the area in the build up to Christmas with his unmistakable selfie frame.
Capture a cheeky snap with Wishee-Washee and share it on social media channels including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - using the hashtag #wisheewindow.
At the end of the panto run, we will choose one lucky winner at random.
Wishee-Washee will also be in our theatre foyer after each of our 32 performances, where you’ll also be able to take photographs.
And if that wasn’t enough, we’re also launching a brand new colouring competition at the Marina - available to pick up in our cafe, and at various events in the build up to Christmas.
Pick up a colouring sheet and design some wacky items of clothing for Widow Twankey's laundry - we will pick a lucky winner and display some of the best entries during the pantomime run.
This year’s show is set to be our biggest yet as former Tory politician Ann Widdecombe and A1 boyband singer Mark Read star in Aladdin.
Fasten your seat belts for a magical carpet ride to Old Peking where soap-sud silliness has got Widow Twankey and her sons Aladdin and Wishee-Washee in a lather! Can the Slave of the Ring and the Genie of the Lamp help our hero win the day?
Tickets start from just £7, call the box office on 01502 533200 or click HERE to book now!