Schools Dance Festival: Dancing Through the Chapters

Schools Dance Festival: Dancing Through the Chapters

Schools Dance Festival: Dancing Through the Chapters

Schools Dance Festival: Dancing Through the Chapters

Wed 19 Mar, 6:30pm

Book Now

Full Price: £6.50*

*plus a 95p booking fee per ticket

Join us for an evening of Inspiring dance celebrating the wonderful world of Stories, Books and Literacy. Local schools will be showcasing their dances performances across the evening, bring movement and life to their favourite books for all to see

This celebration of literacy through dance has been organised by the North Suffolk Sport & Health Partnership, The National Literacy Trust and supported by Lowestoft Rising. The Marina Theatre is proud to host this wonderful and creative evening of pivots, step-ball changes and more dance moves as the children celebrate and educate the audience on the importance of reading and Literacy.

This will be a sensational evening showcasing some of the best and brightest young dancers from 10 different schools (Blundeston, Corton, Woods Loke, The Ashley School, Grove. Westwood, Ravensmere, Albert Pye, St Margarets)


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Wed 19 Mar 6:30 pm £6.50 Book

Marina Theatre

Full Price: £6.50*

*plus a 95p booking fee per ticket