
Bringing your show to the Marina Theatre

Want to bring your show to the Marina Theatre? We know it can be frustrating to contact theatres about your shows and not getting a response. This could be for a number of reasons. You may not have provided enough information in your correspondence, you may be emailing the wrong person or we may just be really busy and haven’t had a chance to get back to you.

Please make sure you send your show details to

To make sure your email stands out, when you contact us please provide the following:

  • Include photos, videos, reviews and a link to your website if you have them
  • Let us know what deal you are seeking
  • What are your tech requirements? Include a tech rider if you have one?
  • Please send us a marketing plan if you have one and let know what you think your key demographic is.
  • Let us know when you are planning to tour

It is also best to check our tech specs to make sure your show is suitable for our theatre. You can download them here.

We’re excited about theatre and we’re excited about new projects so we would love to hear from you!